Friday, June 18, 2010

Stocks and the Best Blog Ever

The other day, I was thinking of ways to earn extra cash like any other greedy person. I mean, it was really shocking that my income could not even support my need to buy self-help books on how to become really really rich. There are so so many books on becoming-super-extra-rich-before-50 and I don't know which of them really works so I need to buy ALL of those books. By ALL, I mean those that have rich-looking people in their front cover or those that have $$$ in bold print. Still, I cannot afford all of them, thus the need for a new $$$-making sideline. However, I am already getting exercise 2-3 times a week so I do not want anymore physical activity. Therefore, I want something I can do while Facebooking.

Anyway, these were my options:

1. Invest on Stocks
Gets high returns but is BORING.

2. Proofread  English Essays by Japanese Students

Gets moderate returns but is SOMEWHAT HILARIOUS.

3. Make the BEST BLOG EVER!

Gets low to no returns but is FRICKIN HILARIOUS.

So, I chose option one and it was really fulfilling.

Just kidding. I chose to write the BEST BLOG EVER! Even though I can't really make money off of this. Well, at least this is FRICKIN HILARIOUS. So please support me (not in a child support kind of way but in a follow-my-blog kind of way) so I can continue to buy Robert Kiyosaki books again so I can learn how to be rich and the buy more books on $$$-making and then be even richer and then host a blog contest and then give away a million dollars that you will genuinely have a chance of winning because I don't really have a lot of blog readers. Now, isn't this the BEST BLOG EVER?

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